Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Prayer 3.29.10

Lord, everything that is good comes from You
The more I understand this, the more I want to be closer to You
For it is Your goodness that draws us to repentance
It is Your goodness that causes us to want to turn away from
the things of this world and turn to You

In the same way, it is Your goodness that leads us to consecrate our lives for You
It is your goodness that draws us away from our selfish desires and into Your arms
For in Your goodness You comfort the brokenhearted
In Your goodness You release the captives
In Your goodness You set free the prisoners

God, my desire is to walk where You want me to walk,
to possess what You want me to possess
I want only what You want for my life
I realize the sacrifice that this takes
I have to put to death all of my selfish ambitions
I have to live for the cause of the Kingdom
For this is where our true blessings lie

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Prayer 3.15.10

Lord, You are so good
As I ponder all the things that you have done in my
life, I always come to that same conclusion:
You are so good

Thank You for saving me
I praise You, Father, that I get to wake up
everyday and put on the helmet of salvation
That is comforting

Thank You for Your restoration
Please continually renew my mind
all the days of my life
Make Your transformation complete

Thank You for Your breath of life
Let me be the dead flesh that
Your wind blows through
Let it flow through me

I know my life has not been beautiful
I'm sorry it has not been a perfect picture
But let the beauty of my life be because
it is a picture of Your redemption

My Prayer 3.8.10

We worship You, Lord
With everything that is within us,
we give You praise
Our souls cry out to You
We long to be near You

The very depths of our beings
search to connect with the deepest parts of You
And it is there that we find all that is good
It is there that we find peace
It is there that we find joy
It is there that we find hope
It is there that we find our strength

For You alone are our refuge
We find comfort in resting in Your presence
We run to You and You transform us
For You restore our souls
and You renew our minds
You equip us for the battles
that lay ahead of us
You clothe us with power from on high

The hope of knowing you more
overwhelms us
Your joy consumes our thoughts
and gives us strength
Your love infiltrates our bodies
and flows through our veins

We desire to hear Your voice
We are captivated by Your touch
Draw us closer to You all the
days of our lives

Monday, March 1, 2010

My Prayer 3.1.10

Let Your fire burn within me. Let this be an eternal flame, not one that is quenched by a removal of atmosphere. Let it be a flame fueled by discipline.
I want the strength to run the race that You have set before me. I want to set my eyes only on You and Your Kingdom. Cause the things of this world to fall away; remove them from my vision. Give me wings, Lord. I want to soar like an eagle, untainted by the destruction of this world.
Bless the ground that I walk on, yes. But more importantly, give me the vision to see the path that You have blessed before me. Help me to move where Your Spirit moves. Illuminate my steps as they come. My desire is to live all the days of my life in Your presence.


My Prayer 2.15.10

I love you Lord. Your word is powerful.
You have the words that speak life.
They speak things into existence.
Your words hold the power to create.

Your words are the bread I eat.
They are the standard by which I live.
I hunger more and more for Your words.

They have the power to divide,
like a double edged sword.
They cut to the core,
splitting bone and marrow.
Your words have the power to reveal.

Your words are my strength,
my attack against the enemy.
They are the foundation on which I stand.

Your words are my anchor in the
midst of the storm.
They are my peace in the noise.

Your words give eternal life.
Oh how I love you, Lord.

My Prayer 2.1.10


We love You so much. We love You because of who You are, not because of what You can do for us. We are in awe that the creator of the universe loves us the way You do, and that You want to have relationship with us.

Our prayer is that as we abide in You, Your love will be perfected within us. Let Your love well up so much within us that we cannot contain it. We pray that it will overflow and spill into other people's lives as well.

God, we want to pursue You in all that we do. We want to know Your will for our lives. It is hard at times, but we want to trust in You with all of our hearts. This is even harder, but we do not want to lean on our own understanding- we want to trust You so much that we say You know what is best for us, therefore, we don't have to understand what it is that you are asking of us. Please give us direction for our lives. God, we just want to please you in what we do. Once again, we love you so much.
