Monday, March 1, 2010

My Prayer 2.1.10


We love You so much. We love You because of who You are, not because of what You can do for us. We are in awe that the creator of the universe loves us the way You do, and that You want to have relationship with us.

Our prayer is that as we abide in You, Your love will be perfected within us. Let Your love well up so much within us that we cannot contain it. We pray that it will overflow and spill into other people's lives as well.

God, we want to pursue You in all that we do. We want to know Your will for our lives. It is hard at times, but we want to trust in You with all of our hearts. This is even harder, but we do not want to lean on our own understanding- we want to trust You so much that we say You know what is best for us, therefore, we don't have to understand what it is that you are asking of us. Please give us direction for our lives. God, we just want to please you in what we do. Once again, we love you so much.


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